About the Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association

What We Do
Direct Lobbying at All Levels of Government
Monitor Legislative and Regulatory Developments Related to the Industrial Hemp Supply Chain
Legislative and Industry Updates to Members
Drafting of Collateral Materials
Drafting of Comment Letters, Testimony, Media Releases
Media Engagement - Traditional and Digital
Connecting Members to One Another
With passage of the 2018 Federal Farm Bill, the growth of industrial hemp as an alternative crop continues leading to new marketing opportunities throughout the supply chain.
But much work is yet to be done.
Although industrial hemp is now legal, issues related to products derived from this "old is new again" crop are prevalent at all levels of government.
The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association works to ensure that opportunities for products derived from industrial hemp continue to grow and be readily available to consumers. We also work to position Minnesota as a leader in the industrial hemp sector.
The association has experience working in a variety of areas, including; government relations, strategic communications, media relations, grassroots activation, and coalition building. The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association leverages all of these experiences to benefit our members.
The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association utilizes a multifaceted approach in support of our membership. We constantly monitor the legislative and regulatory issues related to industrial hemp and work to prevent harmful actions such as large tax increases on the sales of products, marketing restrictions and retail sales restrictions at the local, state and federal levels.
Association Managment and Communications: RDL & Associates
Legal Counsel: Chestnut and Cambronne
Accounting: Piehl Hanson Beckman