Why do we exist?
The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association is a broad coalition of businesses and individuals who advocate for the re-emerging industrial hemp sector from field to consumer.
As a non-partisan voice in Washington, D.C. and St. Paul, MN we are constantly monitoring public policy developments at the federal, state, and local levels of government regarding the legal industrial hemp industry to ensure our members have a seat at the table.
Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association
Federal Farm Bill Priorities
Access to investment capital and affordable credit.
Private-public partnerships that will foster research and promotion of industrial hemp food and fiber variety development.
A wide range of strong risk-management tools for industrial hemp producers, including a viable crop insurance program.
An exemption for hemp grain and fiber from being subjected to the full suite of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol testing.
Eligibility for indoor production facilities within current USDA programs.
A USDA “Stamp of Approval” for hemp shipped between the various jurisdictions in the United States in order to facilitate interstate commerce, as well as acceptance of hemp products that meet the USDA Bio-Preferred status into government buying programs.
The option for producers to repurpose hemp that tests above the 0.3% THC limit for use in construction materials, plastics, and other purposes.
A review of the federal drug felon ban.

We Amplify Your Voice​
The Minnesota Industrial Hemp Association has the relationships and experience that allows our members to stay ahead of the public policy challenges and new regulations faced by the industrial hemp sector and supply chain.
We ensure our members have a seat at the table when policymakers are making decisions that directly affect the industry.

Have questions?
Let's have a conversation. Reach out to learn more about what we do and how we can help advocate for you.